Friday, May 4, 2007

Folder Names You Cant Keep In Windows

Folder names that u cant creat in WINDOWSHi friends i saw this information in some other site n i know abt the first case but i dont know that there are these many exceptions in creating a file name....Yon can not creat any folder named "prn" or "con" in any verson of dos or windows because prn addressed to printer and con is addressed to console. In fact the following reserved device names cannot be used as the name of a file:CON, PRN, AUX, CLOCK$, NUL, COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4,COM5, COM6, COM7, COM8, COM9, LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, LPT4,LPT5, LPT6, LPT7, LPT8, and LPT9

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